Step 1: Start a New Job Posting
From the Dashboard, navigate to the Jobs tab.
Click the + (plus) icon to create a new job posting.
Choose a language for the job posting (English, French, or both)
This will open the job posting editor, where you can build your job listing step by step.
Step 2: Edit Job Posting
Job Title & Location
Enter the Job Title.
Add up to 10 locations (cities and/or provinces).
Enter each location separately and click “+ Add” to include it in your posting.
Choose a location type:
In-person (default)
Hybrid Remote
Fully Remote
Job Description
You can structure your job description into four sections, alternatively, you can input your entire job description into the first section:
Job Description: Provide an overview of your company and the role.
Responsibilities (Optional): List key tasks and duties for the role.
Qualifications (Optional): Specify required and preferred skills, experience, or education.
Working with Us (Optional): Highlight benefits and incentives to attract applicants.
Additionally, you can include Core Skills to indicate key competencies required for the role.
Step 3: Settings
Visibility Settings
Public (Default): The job posting is visible to all job seekers.
Internal: The job is only accessible via a direct link or an internal job widget.
Job Details
Job Type: Full-time, Part-time, Contract, etc.
Career Level: Entry-level, Experienced, etc.
Job Category: Choose up to 2 categories (at least one required).
Number of Positions: Specify if hiring multiple candidates for the same role.
Competition Number (Optional): Internal reference number for job tracking.
Hiring Pipeline: Select the appropriate hiring pipeline if more than one pipeline is available.
Expiry Date/Time (Optional): Set an expiry date/time and the job will automatically be moved from Open to In Review at that time.
Compensation (Optional):
Choose hourly, yearly, or other rate formats.
Input either a salary range or an exact salary (enter the same number in both fields for an exact salary display).
Benefits (Optional): Highlight available benefits to attract candidates.
Step 4: Customize the Application Form
Modify the application form to suit your hiring process (e.g., make cover letters mandatory).
Customize the confirmation email applicants receive upon submission.
Save this setup for future job postings to maintain consistency.
Step 5: Add Screening Questions
Use predefined templates or create custom questions to screen candidates. You can choose from:
Short answer
Long answer
Multiple choice
Mark questions as mandatory by selecting the checkbox in the top-right corner. Screening questions help filter applicants based on their responses.
Step 6: Promote Your Job Posting
Promote your job on CareerBeacon (live for 30 days).
Select additional job boards for wider reach.
You can publish your job posting to your ATS, making it visible on your Widget (if integrated into your career site) or through direct sharing. However, to feature your job on or other job boards, you’ll need to Promote it. To quickly check if your job is live on, look for our “C” icon displayed under the job title.
Step 7: Share Your Job Posting
Share your job on social media.
Send the job posting to colleagues.
Copy the URL to post on external job boards.
Step 8: Add Hiring Team Members
If needed, add Contributors to grant them access to the job posting.